Feb 27 2008

WP-GotLucky Problem Sorted

Category: Personal,WordPressChrisM @ 5:26 pm

I recently got around to creating the required SQL tables for this plugin to function. I had a problem though, where I was not being e-mailed the results when somebody found my site from searching for a specific term. I tried a few different approaches, but couldn’t get the code to work.
I actually got around to checking the script code properly today.
Of course the plugin wasn’t e-mailing me results, I hadn’t uncommented the specific line 🙂
For anyone else running up against this problem, remove the // symbols from the line that starts mail(get_settings('

I’m now being e-mailed, and the RSS feed still works. Whilst the feed is a lot quicker to access (its set in FireFox as one of my RSS locations to check), it is useful to have an archive of previous search terms that this site appeared in – apart from anything else, it is one way of letting me know the reason people arrived here (at least from Google, that is).

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