Jan 21 2009

Waiting For A Foreign Dawn

Category: Friends,PersonalChrisM @ 9:11 pm

The last few days I have been trying to sort out Dave’s laptop. Unfortunately, he is in Astana, which makes technical support a little difficult. With the assistance of LogMeIn, we discovered that his old install of XP was shot. We put a new customised one on, and discovered that this too was not a stable platform to operate on. Unfortunately, we didn’t get far enough this evening for me to be able to carry on with this new OS install, as there is still no network connectivity. As David is using our flat, where ChrisK+GF live, he has a curfew to follow, and so had to leave this evening (as it was already a lot later over there).

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2 Responses to “Waiting For A Foreign Dawn”

  1. Dave G says:

    and what a wonderful job you did mate -I owe you big time….THANKS AGAIN

  2. ChrisM says:

    We’ve not finished yet, there are still a few loose ends to tie up. Glad we’ve got a stable laptop finally now, anyway 🙂