Oct 03 2009

Updating Delayed

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 1:06 am

I discovered a while back that my mother-in-law’s broadband account isn’t “unlimited” (see a lot of previous posts for the reason quotation marks are used, basically you only get 10Gb per month before the 256kbit connection is throttled down to 64kbit! I’m not being unrealistic or setting my hopes to 90Gb would seem reasonable, no?), and she only gets 800mb per month on her sort of account before she has to pay more. As I am currently rebuilding a friend’s PC, a lot of updates need to be downloaded, but we missed the window of opportunity to alter the ADSL package in this house by one day, so I’ll need to take the PC back to ours and finish off the rebuild there instead.

2 Responses to “Updating Delayed”

  1. Lucky says:

    OMG how I know this all so well. We have MegaLine down here in ALA and usually around the 23-24th without fail we have apperantly hit out 10gb “limit.” Although thought it was funny last month as I was out of the house for like a week and a half, but yet was still slowed down. Would love to see an actual traffic report, I think its just MegaLine BS. What do you think you seem much more PC savy then me…

  2. ChrisM says:

    TBH, we don’t even go straight onto Megaline, we go via a VISP (Virtual Internet Service Provider), that supply all the flats in our area. They have some (not very high quality) equipment hooked upto a few fat ADSL lines with Megaline, and then effectively sub-let thin slices of that to the residents.
    BWMeter (demonoid / isohunt is your friend 😉 ) is quite good for counting your real up/download stats, or if you don’t get many power cuts/turn off your router, then you should find you can extract the info you need from one of your status pages. Let me know if you need a hand on that one, I’ll need the make and model to of much use to you.