Aug 16 2009

Thanks @JonathanSyer For The Heads Up

Category: VideosChrisM @ 1:03 am

Too. True.

Wondering if Anna will ever dig up this post in the future, when it comes to some critical path-choosing moment? Hoping I’ll still feel the same way.


4 Responses to “Thanks @JonathanSyer For The Heads Up”

  1. Alex C says:

    Awesome, I love it 🙂

  2. ChrisM says:

    Are you on Twitter yet Alex? Still burning the midnight (well 4am) oil over here, scheduling posts so I don’t suddenly have 30-odd new posts with Anna’s pictures and videos all appearing on the same day. Twelve done, another twenty or so to do still. This blog WILL return to real time posting, or there abouts, I don’t want to be a couple of months behind permanently.

    Oh, the blog fairy has visited and upgraded you to 2.8.4. When you see those notices at the top of the dashboard, it really does only take 30 seconds and about three clicks (two, I just checked) to complete the upgrade yourself. You know you have five comments also waiting for your approval/marking as spam/deletion, yeah? Some are a month old. If you like the comment, it seems relevant to the post, but they have some paydayloan URL included, you can always delete that bit (click the edit or quick edit link) and approve the rest of it, yeah? Anyway, found your Suzuki Club reports interesting reading, thanks.

    At the in-laws until Monday evening, hopefully we’ll catch up properly on Skype this week.

  3. Alex C says:

    No I’m not on Twitter yet. I nearly got tempted to sign up this morning just so I could leave a comment on my cousin’s twitpics but managed to stop myself.
    Trouble is I don’t have enough time for my blog, Facebook, general emails etc. as it is, let alone adding another thing to the list. And it’s another of those sights that they block at work which is far out irritating!

    I hear what you say about upgrading wordpress, however, I hadn’t actually noticed any notices. Plus, I’m always dubious about it after you had a few problems a while ago with certain things not working. I just figure it’s easier not to think about it 🙂
    And comments? Thought I’d checked these this morning. Will go take another look.

    Hopefully catch up soon.

  4. ChrisM says:

    I tend to read and post tweets exclusively from my phone (PockeTwit is quite good for WM phone users), and any links to interesting sites, I just favourite the tweet, and check it on the PC. That way I can tweet when smoking, when I’d otherwise be staring out the window 🙂