Dec 14 2009

Take That!

Category: VideosChrisM @ 4:23 pm

Continuing in the series of occasional Chav gets what is coming to him videos, we have a short clip of one highly intelligent young man.
Deciding that a wall somehow offended him with its very existence, he decides to take action. Rather than spray a highly artistic tag on the wall, he takes out his pent up aggression on it. You’ll just have to click the play button to see what happens when thick chav meets thick wall…


2 Responses to “Take That!”

  1. lucky says:

    this was actually one of my vid’s too CM was just nice enough to not name names…damn leg still hurts

  2. ChrisM says:

    There is no doubt that your cockney accent is superb, guv’nor, however I doubt your vocal talents stretch to convincingly sounding like these pnod scum.
    I hope it didn’t have to be amputated, but do hope that the pain was enough to persuade him not to mindlessly destroy things for at least a little while.