Nov 05 2010

Tagging Old Posts Automatically

Category: WordPressChrisM @ 11:19 pm

The following plug-in (WP Calais Archive Tagger) is very similar to, and in fact written by the same author as the Calais Auto Tagger plug-in I mentioned back towards the end of September.
It too analyses posts for you and tries to extract the right terms to use as tags. However, whilst the Auto Tagger works with posts that you are actually editing at the time, the archive tagger (you may have guessed this part already…) trawls through your archives (old, previously published posts) and adds any suggestions it finds. Again, you’ll need to sign up for a Calais API key, but these are free and I don’t appear to have received any spam after signing up with the scheme. Since I first installed this plug-in, updates have been released, so your old tags aren’t wiped out by the new suggestions, and throttling has been put in place to ensure you aren’t banned from Calais’ server by making too many requests at once. Oh, one quick note, WordPress’s dashboard has altered since the plug-in was first released – I don’t know if that is the reason why the area to enter your API key has moved to within the Plug-in section, rather than under comments, but in case you struggle to find the right area, now you know.


3 Responses to “Tagging Old Posts Automatically”

  1. daninkaz says:

    so did the autotagger add ‘dan’ to this one then ? I could not see a reference to me or another Dan in the text, and luckily I don’t have my name connected to body acne treatments 🙂

    • ChrisM says:

      Replied once already, but when the sites went down, and a backup was eventually restored, they lost 24 hours worth of posts/comments/tweaks on the sites.
      Yes, Dan was added automatically for some reason as a tag.

    • ChrisM says:

      Discovered the issue – anytime a post had the the letters “dan” in it, it was tagged as Dan. This would have been me attempting to mass tag at one point, not the auto tagger.