Oct 17 2009

Almaty Begs Astana For Publicity ;)

Category: Kazakhstan,VideosChrisM @ 5:18 pm

So, Lucky21842 asked me (via his twitter account) to give a quick heads up to my readers on his 7 days of VLogging. I think we’re roughly half way through them already, so make sure you click the first link in this post to visit his channel, and watch some more. The embedded video below was his introduction to the series of V-Logs, and as I get through watching the others, I’ll be sure to post any that made me laugh / cry / feel some love 🙂 I may even decide on a spelling of the abbreviated form of Video Logging to stick to!

Oh, and although you’ll often find this request in his info section for each video, if you have a YouTube account and find Jason/Almaty or Kazakhstan interesting, consider adding the video as a favourite, rating it or just subscribing to his account.

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