Feb 13 2008


Category: Personal,WordPressChrisM @ 9:33 am

As observant readers will have noticed, this blog has been missing a taglineยง since I moved hosts and reinstalled WordPress from scratch. Part of the problem was that I couldn’t decide which to use, having already cycled through a few on the old version of the blog. I am now trying out a new plugin (WP Random Tagline (I love plugin authors who name their code with a descriptive name, saves so much time when searching ๐Ÿ™‚ )), and so each time someone visits a page on this site, they should see a new tagline at the top, just above where it says ChrisMerriman.com.
Now some people would say this does not help with search engine optimization, however 1) I’m mainly writing this blog for my own sanity, not necessarily to try and draw in a crowd of thousands 2) It is better than having none at all ๐Ÿ˜‰
Anyway, the plugin automatically creates the required SQL table thingies, which is a relief, as this is one area I’m still a little hazy on.

ยง – Thats the text you see next to many blog names (normally a short description/quote/explanation, as opposed to the site name itself)

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