Aug 27 2007

Oh… I’m A Lumberjack And I’m OK

Category: Friends,PersonalChrisM @ 4:23 am

If you are not a Monty Python fan, please feel free to ignore this post’s title, and skip straight to the content. That sentence is a little redundant I’m guessing, as you probably read the title already. Humble apologies if I just wasted a fifth of a second of your busy day.

How To Recognise Different Trees From Quite A Long Way Away… Number One – The Larch.

So Alex has written a new post, and added some photos this time. Again the subject is her possible new career in tree surgery (Python fans now understanding the why reference to the Larch? Or still unable to find Kosher car parks?). Anyway, despite it being relatively heavy work, and in hot temperatures (at least until Britain remembers it is supposed to be grey and miserable 10 months a year), she seems to have enjoyed herself again. Check out the new post at Dryad Musings. Do feel free to leave her a comment, or if gardening is not your thing, check out the other posts on offer 🙂
It could have been weirder, she could have wished for a gender swap and to become “Bicycle Repair Man”!

And now, Number 3, The Larch

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