Apr 23 2007

Clarkson On Cars

Category: BooksChrisM @ 6:18 pm

Jeremy Clarkson – Clarkson On Cars

Although this book isn’t original material, nor particularly recent, I still enjoyed reading through it. The book basically collects the best of all of his newspaper & magazine articles from the 80s until the mid 90s.
If you’ve not come across Jeremy before, he is Top Gear‘s main presenter.
Although obviously a petrol head, he does tend to write about motoring from the perspective of a man in the street, rather than a cars salesman or Formula F1 driver.
If you have a son/daughter/husband/wife who is into cars more than you, I’d recommend buying the book for them. Then read it yourself, and be pleasantly surprised at the quality of his writing, and the way he can relate seemingly complex motor issues to your average reader.

Oh and by the way, in case anyone is reading these reviews and wondering if I’m ever negative about a book, yes certainly, its just the ones I’ve reviewed so far I actually enjoyed…

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