May 05 2007

I’ve Been Joost!

Category: Internet Connections,PersonalChrisM @ 6:08 pm

Owen from the PPP forums kindly sent me an invite for the Joost application, from the people that bought us Skype.
The idea behind Joost is to enable the transmission of full screen quality video, over the internet in real time.
Quite a lofty ideal, and the interface is quite well layed out. Unfortunately, in the few feeds I’ve selected so far, my little 256KBit connection hasn’t quite been fast enough to keep the stream from skipping, but one day I’ll get a 1Mbit unmetered connection over here, then I’ll be putting Joost to full use.
The main difference between Joost and ‘normal’ TV is that you can choose what to watch and when.
I’ll be posting more details after I’ve tested it a little further.

This post isn’t sponsored at all, I’ve just written it to say thanks to Owen for the invite needed to download the beta application, and to Skype for producing the application 🙂
Now all I need is for a decent broadband infrastructure to be created in this country, and I’m good to go 🙂

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