Aug 15 2007

Grannies Get It Right

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 5:06 am

I don’t know if they are famous for saying it here in Kazakhstan, but back in Britain, a common phrase associated with the elderly is ‘the policemen are just getting younger and younger these days’. Well, Thames Valley police force have created a slightly farcical situation that makes it sound like the grannies had it right.
Two 16, yes SIXTEEN year olds are being taken on as Community Support Officers (CSOs)! The regular police force has long had issues with the use of non-police officers patrolling in uniform, but this really takes the biscuit. Of course the Officers are bringing out the line that such young teenagers will be able to better interface with young trouble makers on the street, but to place these 16 year olds in uniform is pure madness, IMO.

The deputy chairman of the Police Federation, (I believe this is the union of police officers, mainly the rank and file, rather than those who spend most of their day behind a desk meeting politicians and local business men), Alan Gordon, stated “To expect 16-year-olds to have the knowledge of life, maturity and judgment to tackle incidents is incredulous.”
It is possible the two youngsters will have the power to to detain citizens until a (real) police officer arrives, protect crime scenes, and attempt to deal with more minor offences directly. The strangest situations will involve those where motor vehicles or alcohol are involved – they could confiscate drinks from people, even though they can not legally buy it, or stop someone from driving a car that they can’t even legally drive themselves. (Unlike America, you have to be 17 to take your driving test in Britain.)

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