Dec 19 2007

Flying Soon From Britain?

Category: In The MediaChrisM @ 5:57 am

If so, head on over to this BBC article that details the possible confusion that will arise when carry on (hand) luggage rules are relaxed in SOME circumstances in the coming weeks. With our trip back from Britain to Kazakhstan, we will need to find out in advance whether Heathrow, and our airline specifically will be allowing more than one piece of hand luggage, and exactly which restrictions will still be applied.
I really do recommend you read the article, but if you want the ultra-short version, don’t assume you can take more luggage, just because the airport has publicized changes, unless your airline has the extra security hardware required, you will still be limited to one piece per passenger. Something to remember when considering how to pack any presents you get this year…

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Aug 17 2007

Lost Luggage

Category: Amsterdam,In The MediaChrisM @ 3:23 am

A week ago I posted on an Irish blogger who had his luggage lost, and with my upcoming trip to Amsterdam and Britain, the subject has occasionally popped into my head. This BBC article hasn’t done a lot to calm me down. With changing planes in both Kaliningrad and Amsterdam, to get to Birmingham International, with two or three airline companies involved, I do wonder if I will arrive at each destination at the same time as my suitcase… Apparently insurance claims for lost luggage have almost doubled in the last 6 months, though I do wonder if the article is little more than a press release for the insurance company quoted?

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