Oct 19 2006

Shoulder Holder

Category: Dasha&Kittens,PicturesChrisM @ 4:57 pm

There are other photos to come, but I couldn’t resist quickly posting this one…

Karra may just have been a pirate’s parrot in a previous incarnation…

Karra Comfy On My Shoulder

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2 Responses to “Shoulder Holder”

  1. KZBlog says:

    Ah you picked Karra! We’ll make you an honorary Kazakh yet.
    She’s a cute kittie!

  2. Chris Merriman says:

    Really cute, she switches between lightly dozing on the sofa back, and sprinting/sliding around the flat. Ira is away in Moscow right now, so I’m hoping Karra will put up with my care…