Apr 03 2009

Pip & Con Come To Visit

Category: Anna's Photos,Friends,PersonalChrisM @ 8:46 pm

Moving on to the 3rd April (only two more posts to go before I’ve exhausted the supply of photos on my hard drive (I still need to check Irina’s camera’s memory card for more recent shots)), and Pip & Con came over to visit. With Con soon heading off to Thailand (by the time this post actually appears on the blog, he should have finally made his flight onwards to Australia, fingers crossed), Pip kindly volunteered to drive him over to Wales to see Anna before he went. She hadn’t seen Anna either, so it wasn’t an entirely selfless act. From what I remember, and the Facebook photos suggest, we got through a fair amount of vodka, once Anna was safely asleep, and they managed to set off the next day for England with only a few hours missing from their work shift 🙂

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2 Responses to “Pip & Con Come To Visit”

  1. Alex C says:

    Update on Con: He Facebooked me on 22/5/09 to say he is currently in Brisbane but has not been able to find a job yet and is starting to run a little low on funds. Consequently he is having to postpone his visit to Sydney for a while. I’m hoping he will get here eventually though because I was looking forward to catching up and Mat and I shall enjoy having another Pom around.

  2. ChrisM says:

    Ta for the update, I’d heard (via Seb) he had arrived in Australia at least, after missing one flight 🙂 Sounds familiar…
    Fingers crossed he’ll find some work soon (thought he had some lined up?), and get to see you both in the near future. Better go for now as Aunty Sveta & Co. is about to arrive from a far off city.