Jul 03 2007

More Goodies From Britain

Category: Friends,Internet Connections,PersonalChrisM @ 1:43 am

Big thanks to ChrisD, who despite still not having written his post on last year’s trip over here, has mostly redeemed himself by donating a portable hard drive to my storage collection. AlexC kindly bought it over in her luggage, which with all the other things for us in there (more to come on that later), did not leave a lot of room for her own stuff.
Not only does this now bring the total space available to just over 1 Tb (1024 Gb), he also filled the hard drive with the downloads I requested from him (we originally only had a 700Mb per month allowance from our ISP). I should of course point out that I own all the original media for these files, but they are in the UK, and to heavy to transport out here…
Anyway, all the tunes and movies have made a very welcome return to this flat, so thank you both 🙂

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