Jun 23 2014

Lazy Drivers Parking – Ramstore Near The River: ht…

Category: TweetsChrisM @ 4:49 pm

Lazy Drivers Parking – Ramstore Near The River: youtu.be/lI6FHQtotEQ?a via @YouTube

2 Responses to “Lazy Drivers Parking – Ramstore Near The River: ht…”

  1. Walton says:

    Aren’t red plates official plates of some kind? And if so, don’t you mean congratulations for creating a new and brilliant way to divert traffic?

    • ChrisM says:

      Check the YouTube description, I’m fairly sure CMD are for Ambassadors, rather than just D for Embassy staff.

      I went back there this morning. 15 cards parked over the line today. Also someone tried to overtake me on the access road to the Ramstore car park/Chubary bridge.