Jul 13 2007

Kittens Plus Textured Wallpaper ? Good Idea

Category: Dasha&Kittens,Personal,PicturesChrisM @ 4:23 am

The title pretty much says it all….
Despite having a scratching post, a nice scratch board that was originally infused with some cat nip or something similar, Karra and Muska both seem to see wallpaper, especially near corners of walls as something inherently evil that this flat needs to be defended from. We have tried telling them off, and they sensibly avoid the scene of the crime, for a good, well, err, 10 minutes maybe? In one other case, they scratching appears to be incidental to their trying to catch the chain on a light switch, near Ira’s dressing table.

Just in case you think I am exaggerating, please do check the pictures below.

Kittens Plus Textured Wallpaper Not A Good Idea Kittens Plus Textured Wallpaper Not A Good Idea 2
Kittens Plus Textured Wallpaper Not A Good Idea 3 Kittens Plus Textured Wallpaper Not A Good Idea 4

That last photo has been quite heavily photoshopped to try and show where the claws were put to use…

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