May 01 2007

Just Found This Photo…

Category: Dasha&Kittens,PicturesChrisM @ 5:06 pm

of Dasha from a couple of years ago…

Dasha Yawning Or Hissing

So, what do you think Karra and Muska’s mum is actually doing here – yawning or hissing?

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3 Responses to “Just Found This Photo…”

  1. John K says:

    That’s a laugh

  2. Oleg Frantsuzov says:

    Not hissing, definetely. The ears are in a wrong position for Dasha to be hissing. 🙂

  3. Chris Merriman says:

    Thank you for the clarification, most useful.
    As it was from a few years ago, I can’t actually remember.