Mar 15 2007

Idiots Return

Category: Friends,PersonalChrisM @ 11:59 pm

See here for the last occurrence 🙁

They did a more complete job this time, not just replacing the index page, but all articles now redirect to a stupid “you’ve been haX0red” style page, as well as FTP & CPanel access barred, as they’ve changed my passwords.

The hosting company promised they’d removed the loop holes that allowed this exploit to be err… exploited last time, but either a new back door was found, or the company weren’t as vigilant as promised. Anyway, the kind provider of the hosting (MattG – the original catalyst/mentor behind this blog, and my articles sites) is going to contact the hosters for me, so hopefully I’ll have access back soon.

One Response to “Idiots Return”

  1. Chris Merriman says:

    Nope, as it turns out, my account was suspended, and the resulting info page hadn’t been cleaned up since the last attack. Big thanks to MattG once more, for sorting it out.