Jun 19 2007

Hot Fuzz

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 12:53 am

Just watched the movie here at home. Fricking brilliant is my two word review of it…
Slightly longer version as follows…
For anyone who has not come across Simon Pegg before, he came to national attention after starring in Spaced, a series that captured the ‘scene’ in Britain pretty well. My favourite moment was a bloke who had partied a little too hard for too long. Whilst waiting to cross a road, the bleep-bleep-bleep alarm for pedestrians becomes a dance track in his head, and he starts dancing to it.
Not too difficult to reach that state if you have not slept for a couple of days, and you can’t remember where you were an hour ago, other than a good party 😉
Anyway, Sean of the Dead was the last film I saw that featured Simon Pegg, which was a sort of spoof of the many zombie films in existence, whilst not being too farcical. Hot Fuzz followed the same formula, and had many quality English actors in it. The idea is that a hot shot ace London copper is sent to a South Gloucestershire village, as his stats are making all his colleagues look very bad. Not too surprisingly, all is not as it seems, and Nick Angel (Pegg’s character) starts to join the pieces of the puzzle together.
Ira seemed to like the film as well, and we don’t always enjoy the same sort of film to the same degree, so I think Hot Fuzz has a wide appeal…

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