Dec 05 2007

Happy Birthday Mum

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 3:08 am

Yep, it is a popular week for birthdays. Today is Mum’s birthday, and she’ll be… … 31 again (?) LOL.
I’ve just spoken to her, as here in Kazakhstan, it is already the 5th December, so I wanted to get a quick congratulations in.
I hope she has a great day, with nothing too stressful going on. This will certainly be a packed month for her, with her birthday, her two sons, a daughter-in-law and Ira’s parents coming for Xmas, her wedding to John a few days later, and then Ira and I will be around for New Year as well. Really looking forward to catching up, and seeing everyone again.

Happy Birthday Mum Happy Birthday Carol Merriman
Happy Birthday Carol Kavanagh - May As Well Get Used To That Combination Now...
Happy Birthday Carol
Happy Birthday Mrs Merriman
Happy Birthday Mrs Kavanagh

Snomrazh Denya – or something that sounds like that anyway.

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3 Responses to “Happy Birthday Mum”

  1. Mum says:

    My God! I’m famous at last – my birthday on the net. Thank you Chris and Ira. Really, really looking forward to us all being here together xx

  2. Kav the celt says:

    Boozy Birthday morning – Champagne, chocolates and flowers in bed! ….and she reckons I’m not a romantic! John

  3. Chris Merriman says:

    Glad to hear it was a good start to the day. Will try and call a bit later to congratulate the birthday girl…