Jan 11 2010

Frozen Tears And Beers

Category: Anna's PhotosChrisM @ 5:10 pm

As I write this (8th January) the temperature has dipped back to around -31 degrees Celsius, but back on the 17th of December, it was only around minus 15 to 20. Anna still needs her fresh air, so when the weather permits, we try to take her for a walk in the pushchair, or on days when the snow is too deep, for a push in the sleigh. That day we were walking to the local shop and back. She wasn’t happy by the end of the trip, however I was (other than wishing I could do something to make her happier), as we were restocking beer supplies 🙂

Anna In Her Sleigh And Irina On The Way To The Shops

Anna In Her Sleigh And Irina On The Way To The Shops

Mildly Grumpy Anna Outside Conrat

Mildly Grumpy Anna Outside Conrat

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