Oct 01 2010

Friends and family having a me…

Category: Anna's Photos,Eating Out,Pictures,TweetsChrisM @ 7:12 pm

Friends and family having a meal in a yurt this eve




Mum In Front Of The KMG Building, Astana

Mum In Front Of The KMG Building, Astana Again

Just Arrived, Inside The Yurt

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2 Responses to “Friends and family having a me…”

  1. Z says:

    Cool dude I was wondering what it looked like in there!

  2. ChrisM says:

    Just embedding the pics and videos now. We forgot to take our proper camera, but I’ll try and grab the shots Ira’s mum took some time soon. The air conditioning unit and hi-fi might not be standard issue in most yurts, but the rest of it looked pretty good. Dan played the dombra for a while, and the kids seemed to enjoy running about.