Jan 02 2007

Clarification / Expansion Needed?

Category: Kazakhstan,PersonalChrisM @ 2:13 am

To quickly view Kazakhstan or Personal based posts, please click the relevant link at the side of this page, under the heading of Categories. That way you can skip all my thrilling posts on SkyDiving, Asthma, Mattresses (!), Pilates, Low-Carb Diets, Clocks, Watches and Aquariums.

Please feel free to leave comments (click on the comments link). If you have any further questions, I’m happy to leave the questioner anonymous, if you want to send your query by e-mail instead. (Please check the Contact link at the top of this page for more info on possible communication methods.)

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2 Responses to “Clarification / Expansion Needed?”

  1. Philip says:

    By now you will have seen Matched have given upon us.

    Rescue any contact details you have in the forum before that goes as well.

    Keep in touch and happy birthday to your Dad.


  2. ChrisM says:

    Indeed, I’m just about to go through my sites (glad I kept a decent log of which pages were active/denied/awaiting response. Forum is already off, at least it was last night when I tried.
    Just moved back to Britain from Kazakhstan, so need a few more days to settle in, before looking for other sources of income.