Jan 18 2010

Christmas Day Morning With Anna

Category: Anna's Photos,FriendsChrisM @ 11:26 pm

So, these photos of Anna were taken on the 25th of December… Something about that date rings a bell…
Oh well, sure it’ll come back to me. Walton had seen in the transition of 24th/25th with us, and wasn’t driving home straight away for once, meaning we could all have a few drinks together properly, for the first time in ages.
This was obviously Anna’s first Christmas, and although it isn’t really noticed/celebrated by locals over here, we had a great day, though it was sad Assel had to work both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day – we’re hoping we’ll manage to meet up with them once they return from their trip to America, before we head over to Britain.
Later on in the day we went to another friend who was hosting a proper Christmas Day dinner, but these photos are just from the morning, where we ate, drank a little and Anna opened her presents…

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2 Responses to “Christmas Day Morning With Anna”

  1. IrinaM says:

    The crumbs that Anna was eating were crumbs of Death by chocolate cake. As half a kilo of chocolate has been used for this cake, Anna was allowed to try only a few crumbs this year.

  2. ChrisM says:

    Next year, 20 crumbs… by the time she is 30, will we allow her a whole slice 😉 ?