Dec 04 2010

Bluehost know of problem.After…

Category: TweetsChrisM @ 5:21 pm

Bluehost know of problem.After e-mailing four different tech support agents,finally found one who was able to read tracert reports.fix soon.

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4 Responses to “Bluehost know of problem.After…”

  1. Chris says:

    ay, go support droid!

  2. Chris says:

    wouldn't mind, but I did my best to lay out the problem, details of the probable location of the issue, I stayed courteous, and didn't play the "I want details of the procedure to close down my and my client's accounts//I used to work in tech support for an ISP so I do understand you aren't always actually able to help the customer" cards until the fourth e-mail was responded to with a sarcastic message by someone who didn't have customer service skills or rudimentary understanding of networks. However… problem still not fixed, only able to access my sites via Opera's turbo mode, direct connection from my own PC gets refused/packets lost. Can't really be arsed transferring all the sites across to a new host, but they don't know that.

  3. Chris says:

    yay, go support droid!

  4. Chris says:

    I wouldn't mind, but I did my best to lay out the problem, details of the probable location of the issue, I stayed courteous, and didn't play the "I want details of the procedure to close down my and my client's accounts//I used to work in tech support for an ISP so I do understand you aren't always actually able to help the customer" cards until the fourth e-mail was responded to with a sarcastic message by someone who didn't have customer service skills or rudimentary understanding of networks.However… problem still not fixed, only able to access my sites via Opera's turbo mode, direct connection from my own PC gets refused/packets lost.Can't really be arsed transferring all the sites across to a new host, but they don't know that.