Oct 25 2006

Birthday Presents for Nick And Customer Relations

Category: Kazakhstan,PersonalChrisM @ 5:40 am

Just heard from my brother that he has received his belated birthday presents. Nothing too unusual there? Except I foolishly put the wrong delivery address for him. When the gifts were found not be to have arrived three days after his birthday, I chased them up and discovered my mistake. They decided, in this case, to re-send the goods to the correct address, which I thought was outstanding customer service. Their address is www.thepresentfinder.co.uk – Secure Online Shopping . www.IWantOneOfThose.com also did the same thing by resending the presents without re-charging me.

However, www.dontforgetyourcard.com basically took the Kazakh attitude of tough luck, we’re not interested. Whilst this approach makes short term fiscal sense to a company, in the long run, assuming you don’t have a monopoly in the market, keeping customers loyal is the key to success. Happy customers recommend your business to their friends. Disgruntled customers will say nothing, or worse, warn their colleagues off the company involved.

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2 Responses to “Birthday Presents for Nick And Customer Relations”

  1. How To Communicate With Customers says:

    […] serious issues with the way many shops & businesses treat their customers in this country. (See Birthday Presents For Nick Customer Relations and One For The Milk Drinkers Out There… & various other moans from me ;> […]

  2. ChrisM says:

    I remembered this post today – just a quick update… Don’tForgetYourCard have been out of business for a while now. What a shame…