Jul 02 2007

Big Brother Plays A Joke

Category: In The Media,PersonalChrisM @ 12:49 am

Sam and Amanda (contestants on the current UK series of Big Brother) had their birthday recently (they are twins). Big Brother organized a party for them (as they are twins, it was on the same day 🙂 ) In itself, I did not find this too surprising, nor that only the twins and two other house mates were invited to it, as this follows the same formula as previous years. In previous series, the party (often held when the house mates were on limited rations) not only served to raise the morale of some, it also helped to ferment discord and form isolated groups.
However, this time, BB did not follow the expected script…
Soon after entering the party room, the four house mates discovered that all the cakes, sweets and other sweet looking food was FAKE! Under a thin veneer of cream, pastries and sugar icing, the food was all just the same basic rations underneath. In the case f the sweets on display, which were too small to have anything hidden within, they had been covered with curry powder. Which reminds me of Matt Phillips back at Pates – he gave me a trick boiled sweet that was supposed to be curry flavoured. Except it tasted nice.
One of the contestants showed good fortitude however – he found corned beef within the cake, and told the others just how much he likes it 🙂

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