Mar 19 2011

Ben’s birthday party @ Maria’s…

Category: Eating Out,Friends,Pictures,TweetsChrisM @ 11:09 pm

Ben’s birthday party @ Maria’s.Nice meat.Shit fries,until I attempted2explain the potato in the middle shouldn’t be raw

Maria's. Men. Vodka. Meal. Vodka. Did I mention the vodka?

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2 Responses to “Ben’s birthday party @ Maria’s…”

  1. Alex C says:

    Maria’s is a restaurant then? Until I saw the pic I assumed Maria was a friend and even if her fies were rubbish it sounded a little harsh lol. Was it an all blokes celebration? I don’t see Irina anywhere.

    • ChrisM says:

      I’d not have said it to a friend, obviously, but as we were paying for the meal, and planning to drink a little, I wanted to ensure I had some food in me 🙂 It was indeed a blokey night out.