Aug 24 2009

Become A Guru

Category: PicturesChrisM @ 10:09 pm

LMFAO, needed some relaxation whilst on the phone to Walmart. For the fourth time. About someone else’s credit card. Will explain more later.

xkcd Tech Support Flowchart

4 Responses to “Become A Guru”

  1. Oleg Frantsuzov says:

    β€œHey Chris, how do I add alt-text to an image?”

  2. Alex C says:

    Lol, I should send this to my mother. In fact, that’s a brilliant idea, I will email her the link πŸ™‚ Then again, she may need this chart in order to open the link rofl!

  3. John says:

    Ummm? Which button do I use to “click it”?

  4. ChrisM says:

    @Oleg. Ha Ha. I thought if I included the original alt-text from some people would get very confused, as I am not, and don’t live with any Megans πŸ™‚

    @AlexC – Yep, maybe print it out and post it to her. Seriously. πŸ™‚

    @John – Left πŸ™‚ Hoping you’re joking? Anyway, I can start to see why Macs became popular…