Jul 15 2007

Bad Advertising

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 6:57 pm

As my regular readers will know, I am not normally someone who slams another person’s website. However, as I was doing some research regarding the upcoming Google PR update, I found someone promoting their Web Design skills.
When I checked the site, I thought it was a joke at first. Although I can in no way claim to have good design skills myself, I do not try and sell these non-existant skills to others.
Seriously, take a look, replace the word DASH with the symbol – , and change the word DOT to a .


(it looks so bad, I do not want to link to it properly from this site!)

OK, so you’ve looked. Is it just me, or do all the pages just scream out DO NOT EMPLOY ME ?
The colour scheme is gaudy. I considered if it was maybe made for people with visual difficulties, but then I realised this could not be the case, as they used dark blue text on a light blue background in places.
I think my father-in-law could knock a site of this standard out in about 20 minutes in FrontPage, and he does not even use a PC!
Anyway, let me know if I am just being overly critical, or maybe my browser is some how rendering the page incorrectly.

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3 Responses to “Bad Advertising”

  1. Irina says:

    It cannot be real!!!
    May be someone was just testing the search engine systems, so it was designed not for people to see but to be picked up by various search engines, as their text is heavily overloaded with keywords. If this is not an explanation, then it MUST be a joke!

  2. Chris Merriman says:

    Sadly not, the site was linked to in someone’s signature in a forum – they seriously hope to persuade people to use their services!

  3. ChrisM says:

    Almost three years later, and the site has had a MASSIVE redesign.
    Now obviously there are still issues with bad colour choices making text hard to read, overload of information on any one page, (from an income PoV) competitors adverts not blocked in their AdSense ads, incorrect labels for links etc., but compared to the mid-90s previous look, it is still an improvement.