Jul 12 2011

Astana Years Ago

Category: Kazakhstan,PicturesChrisM @ 11:23 am

Irina recently sent me a link to a blog post that had a lot of pictures of Astana from years ago. Actually it was probably called Tselinograd (1961-1992) when these photos were taken. If any happen to be from 1992-1998 then it was called Akmola at the time. Anyway, check the link here for the original source. However as it is a blogspot blog (like blogger), if you actually live here in Kazakhstan and have a standard domestic internet connection, it is possible you will find the site is blocked. In which case, scroll down a little to see a copy of all the images found there. We checked with the post’s author, and he was happy to have the pictures duplicated here. They originally seem to come from at least a couple of sources – if you own the rights to any of them, and want credit or even to have them removed ( 🙁 ), please do just let me know.
I’ve not written anything about the pictures, but if you hover your cursor over each one, the filename does sometimes reveal a little info. Should people want to leave a comment about any the pictures, please feel free to do so and I’ll update the gallery with the new information.

2 Responses to “Astana Years Ago”

  1. IrinaM says:

    Chris, do you want me to describe/name the places shown on the pictures?