Jul 17 2007

Are You Listening Alex?

Category: Friends,PersonalChrisM @ 1:02 am

Apparently there will be a new X-Files film made, with both David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson returning to their famous roles.
Although I am pretty sure David had previously stated he would not be working in any more X-Files productions, as he did not want to be type cast. Oooops.
Fans will be happy to hear Chris Carter and Frank Spotnitz are both going to be on board, so if you liked the original serieses, seriess, series’s seasons, it looks as though you have something to look forward to…

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2 Responses to “Are You Listening Alex?”

  1. Oleg Frantsuzov says:

    Main Entry: se·ries
    Pronunciation: ‘sir-(“)Ez
    Function: noun
    Inflected Form(s): plural series


  2. Chris Merriman says:

    Cheers for that. How is the passport for your GF turning out?