Dec 05 2009

Another Potential ICHC Submittal?

Category: Dasha&Kittens,PicturesChrisM @ 2:01 am

This time we have Kara sat in one of her favourite places in our flat – way up high, next to the ceiling, on top of a cupboard in the kitchen. She jumps from the floor to a work surface (naughty, don’t go there, which is normally met with a look of disinterest), from there to the top of the fridge/freezer, a small hop up to a shelf, and then a little jump left onto the cupboard.
I love the green laser eyes 🙂

Kara Scans The Room

Kara Scans The Room


2 Responses to “Another Potential ICHC Submittal?”

  1. KZBlog says:

    Gammaray kitteh mikrowav all foodz at once. Is more eficent dat way.

  2. ChrisM says:

    I wouldn’t mind, but some of the stuff in the freezer will go off if not eaten soon after cooking…