Aug 21 2007

90 Second Version Of Middle East History

Category: PersonalChrisM @ 2:37 am

Firstly, my huge thanks to ChrisD for alerting me to this page. It really was very interesting to see just how things have changed (and how some activities, such as country invading/redefining haven’t). I have to admit, my middle ages history in that region is shockingly poor, as three or four of the names that appeared over the empires that took over that land meant nothing to me.
There is no audio, in case any one goes reaching to turn up their speaker volume know, as I tried at first.

Anyway, take a look, let me know what you think of it, and again thanks to Chris for the heads up on it.

One Response to “90 Second Version Of Middle East History”

  1. Irina says:

    This is very impressive!